Your Money Your Business - The Podcast with Debbie Colbourn podcast

Whispers of Resilience: Business, Love and The Power of Storytelling

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A filmmakers heartfelt journey of LGBTQ advocacy, family, and purpose-driven business.

Welcome to the Your Money Your Business podcast where we dive deep into the heart and soul of business, exploring powerful stories of female entrepreneurs who have transcended their past life experiences and redefined success and happiness in their lives, and finding purpose along the way.

Today we have a very special guest, Lisa N Alexander, a renowned filmmaker and inspiration to all business owners, women and men. Raised in South Los Angeles and now a native Texan, in this episode we're peeling back the layers and uncovering the journey to success amidst life's challenges, guided by the wisdom and life experiences of two very different grandmothers and the backdrop of the teachings of the black church in America.

Embracing Family Values and Wisdom to Discover a New Path and Purpose

Our guest today, Lisa Alexander, knows what it's like to transition from a one to one in person business, to a product based business and now into the artistic world of filmmaking, embracing storytelling as the vehicle helping silenced voices to be heard.

Growing up in the rough inner-cities of South Los Angeles, her path was uniquely shaped by the profound wisdom, core values and life experiences of her grandmothers, and the culture of the black church.

We'll explore the journey of change, self-discovery and lessons that entrepreneurs may face when they take that bold step into a business drive by passion, and by purpose, and discuss the impact of the cultural and familial values that surround them.

What Holds Women Back in Business, and in Careers

Are you feeling stuck, unable to break through those invisible barriers holding you back? Lisa will share her experiences and insights on how to recognize and overcome these limits. She understands that you have the potential and a unique ability like no-one else, yet there's something blocking your path.

Let's explore how to identify and dismantle these barriers, drawing strength (and lessons) from the resilience she absorbed from her grandmothers and those around her.

Understanding How Traumas & Life Experiences Fool Us into Poor Decision-Making

Many of us carry the weight of past traumas, big and small. Join us as we delve deep into the journey of healing and self-discovery. Lisa will share her personal story of healing and how this played a pivotal role in her business journey and unlocked her potential.

We'll discuss how acknowledging and addressing past traumas can free you to reach your full potential.

The Power of Story Telling and My Father, The Queen Feature Film

Lisa is a renowned filmmaker who understands the power of storytelling. We explore how storytelling can be a tool to both heal and to inspire others. We'll touch on how she discovered her passion for storytelling, and why she's so passionate about helping the Not for Profit organizations. She'll share her experiences in using her art to give a voice to those who can't speak for themselves.

Our conversation takes a turn to discuss the LGBTQ challenges and her personal challenges growing up with a closeted father who was emotionally unavailable both for her, and himself.

This discussion is the backbone behind the creation of the screenplay and her upcoming feature film, My Father The Queen. This is a sensitive and honest discussion that provides valuable insights into the LGBTQ community and the importance of empathy and understanding.

Other Things from This Episode are:

  • Drama and the power of therapy
  • Daddy issues (and how it's genderless)
  • Business mistakes that stop women before they even get started
  • Self confidence, self esteem and self worth

Thank you for joining us on this remarkable journey with Lisa N Alexander. Her story is a testament to the power of healing, resilience, and self-discovery in the world of business, guided by the invaluable lessons of her grandmothers and life and cultural experiences.

Remember, none of us is alone, and we'll all experience our own struggles. There is a path to success, happiness, and joy waiting for you.

If you found today's episode inspiring, please share it with two people you think could get value from it. We're here to support you on your journey to success, no matter where you come from or what challenges you face. Subscribe to our podcast for more stories like this, and remember, you have the power to transform your life and business. Thanks for tuning in to Your Money Your Business.


Find out more or Connect with Lisa at [email protected]    Absolutely make sure you check out the blog here - it's pure gold


If you would like to help Lisa and her team help others get their voices out in the world, there is a Sponsorship page where you can contribute.


Resources (Revised Oct 2023)

Want some help finding, and pulling out some of your family crap, that might be the guilty party? Download our FREE Things We Heard Checklist here and start improving your family and your business financial future.

Or maybe you're thinking, maybe it's me, maybe I'm the problem, I'm the one holding ME back, THEN The Self-Sabotages Workbook is 100% for you, so you can identify and stop the patterns, once and for all, to create more wealth, and waaaay less worry. Get it here.

Or do you just want to dip your baby toe in the water, see what we're all about, not quite ready to take that first step then ...

Let me help you set every day up the right way, so that you keep moving towards your goals, regardless of what's going on in the world around you. Click to Get our FREE 90 Day Daily Intention Setter, sent right to your Inbox every day, starting today


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