Your Money Your Business - The Podcast with Debbie Colbourn podcast

Go Home & Go Blind!!! Lessons for Millennial Entrepreneurs on Resilience & Overcoming Challenges with Cori Fonville-Foster

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Explore what's beneath the surface as we unravel the story of a young millennial mom who found profound purpose and prosperity through entrepreneurship, challenging the norms of what it means to have vision.

 My guest today is Cori Fonville Foster, the CEO of IROC Marketable Solutions in Virginia (USA) and yes, we go way, way back.

The Disease – Uveitis, A Chronic Eye Inflammation

In this interview Cori walks us through both the mechanics and progression of her eye disease, as a teenager and then as an adult, able to advocate for herself. Like other eye disease, that can sometimes be invisible to those around, she shares how the volatility creates challenges in even the simplest of day to day activities, we all take for granted.

5 Places to Look for Hope When Life Knocks You Down

One simple phrase, you’re fired and the search was on for a new medical team that listened to her, that understood her. In the search for answers, to find out what others with the disease had, and were doing she shored herself up with a way to tell her family she could be relied upon. To prove that she wasn’t an invalid, that she could do some things.

As many others have done, a simple business model, aided by her mom, and firmly placing here in the health & wellness space was a key part of her healing journey.

As she says herself, she was looking for hope, which really is a critical step for anyone that is struggling to see past their rock-bottom.

Doing Business Doesn’t Have to Break the Bank

In a journey of bootstrapping her business, carving a path to financial stability and a way to contribute to her young family, she discovers that many others with small businesses need help, and traditional paths aren’t always available to them. And there is a knowledge gap when it comes to the day to day operating of their businesses.

Addressing the gap, through her money lens, a business is created that can sistain her and help others.

Solve Big "Small Business" Problems on a Budget

As we catch up with Cori today, she openly shares what her team looks like today, and the reasons why she’s grown it this way. We talk part-time employees, virtual and in person assistants and the challenges (and benefits) of each.

One thing that often is missed is alignment of work styles, and we do touch on that, since she and I are opposite, she’s the night owl and I’m the up at dawn person. A great example of there is no right way.

Other Things from This Episode are:

  • Letters and Credentials
  • Homeschooling & The Blended Family
  • Child of the military
  • Team & Business Structure
  • YouTube University


Links to resources referred in this episode (and connect with Cori and her team)


LinkedIn Connect here


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