Creative and Tech podkast

The Value of Branding: How to Stand Out

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

The Value of Branding: How to Stand Out (A Panel Discussion) featuring: Jorge Almeida, MBA, Senior Digital Marketing Manager, Avocados From Mexico, Steve Keller, Sonic Strategy Director, Studio Resonate, CJ Yeh, Founder/Executive Creative Director, Cynda Media Lab & Curriculum Chair, Creative Technology & Design, FIT SUNY and Joe Quattrone, SVP & Head Of Education/Head of Sasha West, The Sasha Group.

In this panel discussion we chat about the value of a brand, what makes great brands stand out, how to be a great brand and how to stand out in a creative way with the growth of technology.

This interview was part of the two day podcast series called Branding Innovators, featuring some of the most creative and innovative people in the branding and marketing world today.

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