Creative and Tech podkast

Brand and Voice Technology: How and Why to Get Noticed in This New Era of Innovation

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Brand and Voice Technology: How and Why to Get Noticed in This New Era of Innovation with Audrey Arbeeny, Founder/CEO/Executive Producer, AUDIOBRAIN, Heidi Bailey, VP, Futures & A.I. at The Integer Group, Paul Hillyer, Head of Creative Programming, International, Mood Media, Susan Westwater, CEO/Co-Founder & Author, Pragmatic Digital

In this episode, we chat about creative ways a brand can stand out and get noticed with the use of voice technology, ways it's been done and ways it could be done in the future.

This interview was part of the two day podcast series called Branding Innovators, featuring some of the most creative and innovative people in the branding and marketing world today.

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