Creative and Tech podkast

Brand: What the Research Shows on Why It Matters

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
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Brand: What the Research Shows on Why It Matters with Tom Guarriello Ph.D., Faculty, Masters in Branding Program, School of Visual Arts & Psychologist

Listen to this academic talk about the value of a brand and what the research shows on how to know what makes a great brand, when the brand is working, what happens to companies who ignore branding and why branding matters even more as we go into a world with more AI and innovation including things like conversational AI, voice technology, VR, AR and more.

Tom has spent decades helping people understand their own, and other people’s, minds. After receiving a PhD in psychology, he spent 25 years in clinical practice, then pivoted into organizational psychology. For almost three decades, he’s worked as a brand consultant, much of it in the fashion industry. He is currently at the forefront of the increasingly relevant field of human/robot interaction.

As founding faculty in the School of Visual Arts’ Master’s in Branding program, Tom teaches “The Meaning of Branded Objects,” a course that explores the psychological mechanisms that transform everyday objects and experiences into important, valuable components of every modern person’s lived-identity.

This interview was part of the two day podcast series called Branding Innovators, featuring some of the most creative and innovative people in the branding and marketing world today.

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