Creative and Tech podkast

How to Create an Experience Online and Offline with a Brand

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

How to Create an Experience Online and Offline with a Brand with Will Hall, Chief Creative Officer at RAIN

In this episode, we chat about not choosing offline or online retail experiences, but rather how to integrate the two to create a human experience that makes people fall in love with a brand.

Will is a Creative Director and Designer and currently the Chief Creative Officer at RAIN, a 100 person innovation company with offices in NYC, Utah and Seattle. He’s also a Professor of Design at NYU and a judge on New York by Design on CBS and Host of the Podcast, Fail Hard Sponsored by Adobe.

At RAIN, he has worked with 23 of the Fortune 100 companies, and has won and lead numerous accounts including Amazon, Nike, Facebook, Headspace, Starbucks, and Chanel to name a few.

This interview was part of the two day podcast series called Branding Innovators, featuring some of the most creative and innovative people in the branding and marketing world today.

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