ENSEMBLE 012 - Emmanuelle Parrenin : La maison intérieure

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

The inner home is a reflection of our inner world. It’s a repository, a sanctuary, a safe place that needs neither windows, nor walls, or doors. A place to take shelter when needing to keep one’s integrity in the midst of the injunctions of this world. It’s also a space that vibrates, that resonates, and that seeks out what knows within us.

The resonance of my childhood home has left a deep impact on me, and it has always been part of me. I heard my father's string quartet rehearse tirelessly all day. Through the interpretation and the energy of the musicians, I could already perceive the intentions and the general mood, and also the notes, the phrasings in color by synesthesia. This created a constant sense of wonder in me.

The trials of life have led me to practice care, guidance and listening, to perceive how someone's home resonates, to enter into its resonance as one enters into the dance. With my instruments, I put myself on the same frequency to amplify the voices, to assess whether it’s necessary to clean up, to help vibrate what needs to emerge and grow. This practice gradually led me to create my own music therapy tool: maïeuphonie*.

*a therapeutic approach invented by Emmanuelle Parrenin, allowing her to give birth to all the voices that inhabit us and to seek the ones who have never had the right to speak.

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