The Lean Muscle Warriors podcast

#83 - 3 Ways to maximise how you feel this summer

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Welcome to episode #82 of The Lean Muscle Warrior Podcast.

My name is Francesco Pavone and whether you're a former athlete or a busy millennial professional I will help you build muscle and get in great shape with strength training and a flexible diet.

In this podcast, we talk about nutrition for deep health, flexible dieting, strength training, muscle building, mindset, and habit formation.

In today's episode, we talk about 3 simple ways to maximise this summer. 


Episode Resources:


DOWNLOAD THE 3 Strategies to get rid of love handles

DM Francesco Pavone on Instagram 

@TeamPavone on Instagram!


In today's episode, I answer three questions from our listeners:

Love what you do, and take a periodic break 

My recent trip to Portugal 

1.Eat more seasonal fruit 

2.Get more sun exposure 

3.Forest Bathing 

Coaching Announcement 


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