FluentFiction - Croatian podcast

Unspoken Bonds: A Café Tale of Friendship and Forgiveness

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Unspoken Bonds: A Café Tale of Friendship and Forgiveness
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Story Transcript:

Hr: U toplom kutku, daleko od hladnoće na ulicama Zagreba, troje prijatelja sjedi za drvenim stolom u kafiću "Mali kutak".
En: In a warm corner, far from the cold on the streets of Zagreb, three friends sit at a wooden table in the café "Mali kutak".

Hr: Miris svježe kuhane kave ispunjava zrak, a vesela buka ljudi i škripa šalica pružaju ugodnu kulisu.
En: The aroma of freshly brewed coffee fills the air, and the cheerful chatter of people and the clinking of cups provide a pleasant backdrop.

Hr: Ivana skriva osmijeh iza svojeg kapučina, Ana promatra prolaznike kroz velike prozore, a Marko se igra kamerom na stolu.
En: Ivana hides a smile behind her cappuccino, Ana observes passersby through large windows, and Marko plays with a camera on the table.

Hr: Bio je to njihov uobičajeni sastanak.
En: It was their usual meeting.

Hr: Svake subote popodne, u ovom kafiću, nalazili bi vrijeme za smijeh i razgovor.
En: Every Saturday afternoon, in this café, they found time for laughter and conversation.

Hr: No, danas je drugačije.
En: But today is different.

Hr: Tanki sloj napetosti visi u zraku poput snijega koji se sprema pasti.
En: A thin layer of tension hangs in the air like snow about to fall.

Hr: Ana duboko uzdahne i odloži svoju šalicu.
En: Ana takes a deep breath and sets her cup down.

Hr: "Marko, prošli put... onaj komentar...", započne, tražeći pravu riječ.
En: "Marko, last time... that comment...", she begins, searching for the right word.

Hr: Marko skrene pogled s kamere.
En: Marko diverts his gaze from the camera.

Hr: "Znam, Ana. Nisam to mislio kako je zvučalo."
En: "I know, Ana. I didn't mean it the way it sounded."

Hr: Ivan u tom trenutku osjeti kako napetost raste.
En: Ivan at that moment can feel the tension rising.

Hr: On samo želi mir, daleko od stresa ureda i crteža.
En: He just wants peace, away from the stress of the office and the sketches.

Hr: Promatra svoje prijatelje, osjeća obvezu da pomogne i riješi ovu tihu buru.
En: He observes his friends, feeling an obligation to help and resolve this silent storm.

Hr: "Ana, Marko", započne Ivan oprezno.
En: "Ana, Marko," Ivan begins cautiously.

Hr: "Mislim da bismo trebali razgovarati o tome. Obojica ste mi važni."
En: "I think we should talk about it. You're both important to me."

Hr: Ana se nasmiješi s tugom u očima.
En: Ana smiles with sadness in her eyes.

Hr: "Želim da znaš, Marko, bilo mi je teško.
En: "I want you to know, Marko, it was hard for me.

Hr: Osjećala sam se kao da me ne cijeniš."
En: I felt like you didn't appreciate me."

Hr: Marko uzdahne.
En: Marko sighs.

Hr: "Nisam to htio, Ana.
En: "I didn't mean to, Ana.

Hr: Ponekad se osjećam kao da se moram praviti da je sve u redu, i zato kažem stvari koje ne mislim."
En: Sometimes I feel like I have to pretend everything is okay, and that's why I say things I don't mean."

Hr: Kroz razgovor, Ivan shvaća koliko je važno ne bježati od problema.
En: Through the conversation, Ivan realizes how important it is not to run away from problems.

Hr: "Možda bismo trebali biti otvoreniji jedni prema drugima", predlaže Ivan, dok svojim riječima pokušava složiti razrušeni most.
En: "Maybe we should be more open with each other," Ivan suggests, as he tries to put the broken bridge back together with his words.

Hr: Marko i Ana se polako smiješe dok ispijaju posljednje gutljaje kave.
En: Marko and Ana slowly smile as they drink the last sips of coffee.

Hr: "Znam da voliš fotografiju, Marko", kaže Ana.
En: "I know you love photography, Marko," says Ana.

Hr: "I mislim da si stvarno dobar u tome."
En: "And I think you're really good at it."

Hr: "Ja samo želim da znaš da si sjajna učiteljica, Ana", doda Marko, skidajući masku ležernosti.
En: "I just want you to know you're a great teacher, Ana," adds Marko, dropping the mask of nonchalance.

Hr: S torbom u rukama, Ivan osjeća kako se njegovi prijatelji ponovno povezuju.
En: With a bag in his hands, Ivan feels his friends reconnecting.

Hr: Naučio je nešto važno danas.
En: He's learned something important today.

Hr: Kad sljedeći put sjednu za ovaj stol, bit će sigurniji i iskreniji.
En: The next time they sit at this table, they will be more confident and sincere.

Hr: Kafić "Mali kutak" i dalje je toplina usred hladne zime.
En: The café "Mali kutak" remains a haven of warmth in the cold winter.

Hr: Tri prijatelja ustaju, spremni gledati prema novim susretima, novim razgovorima i novim smijehovima, dok ih mirisi i zvukovi kafića ispraćaju u svijet izvan.
En: The three friends stand up, ready to look forward to new encounters, new conversations, and new laughter, as the café's aromas and sounds escort them into the world outside.

Hr: Kroz jednostavne prizore prijateljstva, uče da iskrenost i komunikacija njihov odnos mogu učiniti snažnijim od bilo koje nesporazuma.
En: Through simple scenes of friendship, they learn that honesty and communication can make their relationship stronger than any misunderstanding.

Vocabulary Words:
  • corner: kutak
  • aroma: miris
  • freshly: svježe
  • cheerful: vesela
  • chatter: buka
  • passersby: prolaznike
  • observes: promatra
  • cautiously: oprezno
  • tension: napetosti
  • layer: sloj
  • pretend: praviti se
  • resolve: riješi
  • silence: tiha
  • storm: buru
  • honesty: iskrenost
  • communication: komunikacija
  • misunderstanding: nesporazuma
  • deep: duboko
  • sip: gutljaje
  • drop: skidajući
  • obligation: obvezu
  • appreciate: cijeniš
  • scenes: prizore
  • relationship: odnos
  • suggest: predlaže
  • open: otvoreniji
  • reconnect: povezuju
  • confidence: sigurniji
  • sincere: iskreniji
  • haven: toplina

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