Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Journey Through Frozen Bonds: A Family Reunited in Plitvice
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Story Transcript:
Hr: Bijele pahulje su se lagano spuštale na Plitvička jezera, pretvarajući ih u zimsku bajku.
En: White flakes were gently descending onto the Plitvička jezera, transforming them into a winter fairy tale.
Hr: Vodopadi su se zamrznuli u predivne ledene skulpture.
En: The waterfalls had frozen into beautiful ice sculptures.
Hr: Drveće je bilo prekriveno snijegom, svjetlucajući na zimskom suncu.
En: The trees were covered with snow, glistening in the winter sun.
Hr: Miris hladnog zraka ispunjavao je cijelu dolinu dok su koraci koračali škripavim snijegom.
En: The scent of cold air filled the entire valley as footsteps crunched on the squeaky snow.
Hr: Luka je stajao na ulazu u park, gledajući kako se obitelj okuplja oko drvene kuće.
En: Luka stood at the entrance to the park, watching his family gather around the wooden house.
Hr: Osjećao se odvojenim, kao stranac među vlastitima.
En: He felt detached, like a stranger among his own.
Hr: Posao ga je udaljio od obitelji, a sada je osjećao prazninu koja ga je mučila.
En: Work had distanced him from his family, and now he felt an emptiness that troubled him.
Hr: Ali ovaj put, nadao se promjeni.
En: But this time, he hoped for change.
Hr: Mirela i Ivana, njegove sestre, bile su zauzete pripremom za novogodišnje slavlje.
En: Mirela and Ivana, his sisters, were busy preparing for the New Year celebration.
Hr: Njihovi glasovi su odjekivali veseljem i toplinom.
En: Their voices echoed with joy and warmth.
Hr: Luka se osjećao pomalo nesigurno.
En: Luka felt a bit uncertain.
Hr: Mislio je, kako započeti?
En: He thought, how to begin?
Hr: Pronašao je snagu u sebi i prišao Mireli.
En: He found strength within himself and approached Mirela.
Hr: "Treba li vam pomoć?
En: "Do you need any help?"
Hr: " upitao je jednostavno.
En: he simply asked.
Hr: Mirela ga je iznenađeno pogledala, ali nasmijala se i kimnula.
En: Mirela looked at him in surprise but smiled and nodded.
Hr: "Naravno, Luka!
En: "Of course, Luka!
Hr: Baš bi nam dobro došla dodatna ruka.
En: An extra hand would be great."
Hr: "Tijekom priprema, Luka je razgovarao sa sestrama o prošlim godinama, zajedničkim sjećanjima i smiješnim dogodovštinama.
En: During the preparations, Luka talked to his sisters about past years, shared memories, and funny escapades.
Hr: Povremeno, osjećaj napetosti bi se raspršio.
En: Occasionally, the tension would dissolve.
Hr: Luka je osjetio kako ledene barijere polako nestaju.
En: Luka felt the icy barriers slowly melting away.
Hr: Zatim je došao na ideju.
En: Then he came up with an idea.
Hr: Pogledao je prema prozoru, gdje je baška prilika zvala na avanturu.
En: He looked towards the window, where the unique opportunity called for an adventure.
Hr: "Znate li što?
En: "You know what?
Hr: Idemo na šetnju kroz stazu," predložio je.
En: Let's take a walk along the trail," he suggested.
Hr: "Možda nas priroda dodatno poveže.
En: "Maybe nature will connect us even more."
Hr: "Iako su isprva bili iznenađeni, obitelj se brzo složila.
En: Although initially surprised, the family quickly agreed.
Hr: Odjenuli su se toplo i krenuli kroz snježno krajolik.
En: They dressed warmly and set off through the snowy landscape.
Hr: Hodanje među zaleđenim slapovima i tiho susretanje šume otvorilo je novo poglavlje njihovih odnosa.
En: Walking among the frozen waterfalls and quietly encountering the forest opened a new chapter in their relationships.
Hr: Riječ po riječ, smijeh po smijeh, Luka je osjetio kako mu se srce puni.
En: Word by word, laughter by laughter, Luka felt his heart filling up.
Hr: Tom nevjerojatnom prirodnom ljepotom, Luka je s tugom pomislio na sve izgubljeno vrijeme.
En: In that incredible natural beauty, Luka thought with sadness about all the lost time.
Hr: Ali sada, taj osjećaj je bio zamijenjen nadom i novim početkom.
En: But now, that feeling was replaced by hope and a new beginning.
Hr: Nakon šetnje, svi su se vratili kući, obrazi rumeni, duše ispunjene toplinom.
En: After the walk, everyone returned home, cheeks rosy, souls filled with warmth.
Hr: Sjeli su na večeru, osjećajući se više povezani nego ikad prije.
En: They sat down for dinner, feeling more connected than ever before.
Hr: Luka se smjestio između Mirele i Ivane, znajući da je pronašao svoje mjesto.
En: Luka settled between Mirela and Ivana, knowing he had found his place.
Hr: Nova godina donijela je novo shvaćanje: obitelj je vrijednost koja se ne smije zanemariti.
En: The New Year brought a new realization: family is a value that must not be neglected.
Hr: Osjećao je zahvalnost za zajednički provedeno vrijeme, za povjerenje koje su izgradili.
En: He felt gratitude for the time spent together, for the trust they had built.
Hr: Luka je konačno bio doma.
En: Luka was finally home.
Hr: I tog trenutka, dok su kazaljke otkucavale ponoć, shvatio je koliko je sretan što ima obitelj uz sebe.
En: And at that moment, as the clock struck midnight, he realized how lucky he was to have his family by his side.
Hr: Snijeg je i dalje padao, ali sada mu je hladnoća izgledala manje strašna.
En: The snow was still falling, but now its coldness seemed less daunting.
Hr: Ledenjaci su bili topivi.
En: The icebergs were meltable.
Hr: Sve je bilo moguće.
En: Everything was possible.
Vocabulary Words:
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Hr: Bijele pahulje su se lagano spuštale na Plitvička jezera, pretvarajući ih u zimsku bajku.
En: White flakes were gently descending onto the Plitvička jezera, transforming them into a winter fairy tale.
Hr: Vodopadi su se zamrznuli u predivne ledene skulpture.
En: The waterfalls had frozen into beautiful ice sculptures.
Hr: Drveće je bilo prekriveno snijegom, svjetlucajući na zimskom suncu.
En: The trees were covered with snow, glistening in the winter sun.
Hr: Miris hladnog zraka ispunjavao je cijelu dolinu dok su koraci koračali škripavim snijegom.
En: The scent of cold air filled the entire valley as footsteps crunched on the squeaky snow.
Hr: Luka je stajao na ulazu u park, gledajući kako se obitelj okuplja oko drvene kuće.
En: Luka stood at the entrance to the park, watching his family gather around the wooden house.
Hr: Osjećao se odvojenim, kao stranac među vlastitima.
En: He felt detached, like a stranger among his own.
Hr: Posao ga je udaljio od obitelji, a sada je osjećao prazninu koja ga je mučila.
En: Work had distanced him from his family, and now he felt an emptiness that troubled him.
Hr: Ali ovaj put, nadao se promjeni.
En: But this time, he hoped for change.
Hr: Mirela i Ivana, njegove sestre, bile su zauzete pripremom za novogodišnje slavlje.
En: Mirela and Ivana, his sisters, were busy preparing for the New Year celebration.
Hr: Njihovi glasovi su odjekivali veseljem i toplinom.
En: Their voices echoed with joy and warmth.
Hr: Luka se osjećao pomalo nesigurno.
En: Luka felt a bit uncertain.
Hr: Mislio je, kako započeti?
En: He thought, how to begin?
Hr: Pronašao je snagu u sebi i prišao Mireli.
En: He found strength within himself and approached Mirela.
Hr: "Treba li vam pomoć?
En: "Do you need any help?"
Hr: " upitao je jednostavno.
En: he simply asked.
Hr: Mirela ga je iznenađeno pogledala, ali nasmijala se i kimnula.
En: Mirela looked at him in surprise but smiled and nodded.
Hr: "Naravno, Luka!
En: "Of course, Luka!
Hr: Baš bi nam dobro došla dodatna ruka.
En: An extra hand would be great."
Hr: "Tijekom priprema, Luka je razgovarao sa sestrama o prošlim godinama, zajedničkim sjećanjima i smiješnim dogodovštinama.
En: During the preparations, Luka talked to his sisters about past years, shared memories, and funny escapades.
Hr: Povremeno, osjećaj napetosti bi se raspršio.
En: Occasionally, the tension would dissolve.
Hr: Luka je osjetio kako ledene barijere polako nestaju.
En: Luka felt the icy barriers slowly melting away.
Hr: Zatim je došao na ideju.
En: Then he came up with an idea.
Hr: Pogledao je prema prozoru, gdje je baška prilika zvala na avanturu.
En: He looked towards the window, where the unique opportunity called for an adventure.
Hr: "Znate li što?
En: "You know what?
Hr: Idemo na šetnju kroz stazu," predložio je.
En: Let's take a walk along the trail," he suggested.
Hr: "Možda nas priroda dodatno poveže.
En: "Maybe nature will connect us even more."
Hr: "Iako su isprva bili iznenađeni, obitelj se brzo složila.
En: Although initially surprised, the family quickly agreed.
Hr: Odjenuli su se toplo i krenuli kroz snježno krajolik.
En: They dressed warmly and set off through the snowy landscape.
Hr: Hodanje među zaleđenim slapovima i tiho susretanje šume otvorilo je novo poglavlje njihovih odnosa.
En: Walking among the frozen waterfalls and quietly encountering the forest opened a new chapter in their relationships.
Hr: Riječ po riječ, smijeh po smijeh, Luka je osjetio kako mu se srce puni.
En: Word by word, laughter by laughter, Luka felt his heart filling up.
Hr: Tom nevjerojatnom prirodnom ljepotom, Luka je s tugom pomislio na sve izgubljeno vrijeme.
En: In that incredible natural beauty, Luka thought with sadness about all the lost time.
Hr: Ali sada, taj osjećaj je bio zamijenjen nadom i novim početkom.
En: But now, that feeling was replaced by hope and a new beginning.
Hr: Nakon šetnje, svi su se vratili kući, obrazi rumeni, duše ispunjene toplinom.
En: After the walk, everyone returned home, cheeks rosy, souls filled with warmth.
Hr: Sjeli su na večeru, osjećajući se više povezani nego ikad prije.
En: They sat down for dinner, feeling more connected than ever before.
Hr: Luka se smjestio između Mirele i Ivane, znajući da je pronašao svoje mjesto.
En: Luka settled between Mirela and Ivana, knowing he had found his place.
Hr: Nova godina donijela je novo shvaćanje: obitelj je vrijednost koja se ne smije zanemariti.
En: The New Year brought a new realization: family is a value that must not be neglected.
Hr: Osjećao je zahvalnost za zajednički provedeno vrijeme, za povjerenje koje su izgradili.
En: He felt gratitude for the time spent together, for the trust they had built.
Hr: Luka je konačno bio doma.
En: Luka was finally home.
Hr: I tog trenutka, dok su kazaljke otkucavale ponoć, shvatio je koliko je sretan što ima obitelj uz sebe.
En: And at that moment, as the clock struck midnight, he realized how lucky he was to have his family by his side.
Hr: Snijeg je i dalje padao, ali sada mu je hladnoća izgledala manje strašna.
En: The snow was still falling, but now its coldness seemed less daunting.
Hr: Ledenjaci su bili topivi.
En: The icebergs were meltable.
Hr: Sve je bilo moguće.
En: Everything was possible.
Vocabulary Words:
- flakes: pahulje
- descending: spuštale
- transforming: pretvarajući
- fairy tale: bajku
- frozen: zaleđene
- sculptures: skulpture
- glistening: svjetlucajući
- detached: odvojenim
- distanced: udaljio
- echoed: odjekivali
- troubled: mučila
- strength: snagu
- approached: prišao
- surprise: iznenađeno
- nodded: kimnula
- preparations: pripremama
- memories: sjećanjima
- escapades: dogodovštinama
- barriers: barijere
- opportunity: prilika
- adventure: avanturu
- suggested: predložio
- encountering: susretanje
- incredible: nevjerojatnom
- realization: shvaćanje
- gratitude: zahvalnost
- clock: kazaljke
- daunting: strašna
- melting: topivi
- possible: moguće
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