Prolificate podcast

99.39 - The Key to Ecstasy

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Host Andrew Chirch is an Interfaith minister and spiritual guide for real people like you.

The idea for 99 comes from the Islamic teaching that there are 99 names for the divine, and each one has its own meaning.  

Each week, we meet up for 9-minutes to explore teachings from ALL the world’s religions to help us make sense of our lives. 

From this episode:

"...even in the midst of despair, with this key, we can awaken to love and ecstasy.

What's that about? Love and ecstasy? I gotta admit that those aren't words I use very often... and in the midst of despair? Come on.

But what if that really is what it's all about? Being able to expand ourselves - to stretch our own beings enough to be able to hold those two extremes at the same time. Love - even the ecstasy kind of love, right their with despair. At.The.Same.Time."

************** is about people & ideas that illuminate the world.
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