Focus on FinEd: The Policy Convenings podcast

Recap: A Conversation with Nan Morrison

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The final episode of the series is a conversation between the heads of the two organizations who hosted the convenings – Dr. Billy Hensley (NEFE) and Nan Morrison (CEE). The two leaders discussed some behind-the-scenes work that went into the convening development and how the right topics and the right stakeholders truly made the outcomes what they were.  

Participants / Guests:



  • The benefits of having a diverse audience with different views on the topics.
  • The role the pandemic played in the discussions and who participated.
  • A preview of NEFE’s and CEE’s partnered advocacy work on K-12 financial education requirements.
  • How this work relates to CEE’s 2022 “Survey of the States” Report.


Additional Resources:


Disclaimer:  Focus on  FinEd: The  Policy  Convenings is produced  by the National Endowment for Financial Education, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that is the independent, centralizing  voice providing leadership, research  and collaboration to advance financial education and financial well-being.  

The opinions and statements made on this Podcast are those of the Podcast participants and do not necessarily reflect the views of NEFE or constitute statements supported by NEFE.  

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