Focus on FinEd: The Policy Convenings podcast

How To Better Support the Unique Needs of Communities in Rural Areas

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This convening examined rural areas with a special focus on military and native communities and the importance of customizing financial education for the specific needs of these demographics. Dr. Billy Hensley provides introductory and closing remarks, and host Raven Newberry interviews Chrystel Cornelius, the policy convening’s moderator, on how the conversations that happened throughout the event can evolve into logical next steps for communities to implement.


Participants / Guests:



  • An overview of the convening’s overarching question and the feedback from participants.
  • The diversity of rural communities and the need for customization.
  • The role educators need to play in respecting cultures.
  • Why “trusted touchpoints” are an effective tool in rural communities.


Additional Resources:


Disclaimer:  Focus on  FinEd: The  Policy  Convenings is produced  by the National Endowment for Financial Education, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that is the independent, centralizing  voice providing leadership, research  and collaboration to advance financial education and financial well-being.  

The opinions and statements made on this Podcast are those of the Podcast participants and do not necessarily reflect the views of NEFE or constitute statements supported by NEFE.  

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