A24 On The Rocks podkast

Children of Men (2006) Film Review

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Due to the 2024 election tomorrow, the A24 Rocks crew is discussing one of the most prescient films of the last 20 years: Children of Men, and they're releasing the episode two days early. Many film lovers say Children of Men predicted the rise of nativism and anti-immigrant sentiment in western society. Placed in 2027, it follows a world of mass infertility, where the last baby was born 18 years ago. Our main character, Theo (portrayed by Clive Owen), is an ex-activist turned bureaucrat who gets dragged back into the world of activism by his ex-partner Julian (portrayed by Julianne Moore). What will the A24 Rocks crew think of this dystopian sci-fi classic and how it relates to the election tomorrow? Caution: movie spoilers.

Intro- 0:00 to 3:36.

Film Discussion- 3:36 to 1:21:37.

Film Ratings and Outro- 1:21:37 to End.

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