A24 On The Rocks podkast

Re-Animator (1985) Film Review

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

On this special Halloween A24 vibe discussion, the A24 Rocks crew invites on horror lover Dean Cooper AKA MidlifeInCrisis (https://www.instagram.com/midlifeincrisis/) to discuss the 1985 Horror Sci-Fi film "Re-Animator" starring Jeffrey Combs, Bruce Abbott, and Barbara Crampton. Based off a H.P. Lovecraft novelette, Re-Animator is about a mad scientist named Herbert West who may have concocted a serum to bring people back from the dead. But the question is: how much of their humanity is left when they awake? Caution: movie spoilers.

Intro- 0:00 to 2:05.

Film Discussion: 2:05 to 45:44.

Film Ratings and Outro- 45:44 to End.

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