A24 On The Rocks podkast

75. Mid90s (2018) Film Review

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

In Jonah Hill's directorial debut, he tackles the world of 90s skateboarding in southern California. Sunny Suljic plays a young boy growing up in Los Angeles, with an abusive older brother (portrayed by Lucas Hedges), and a single mom (portrayed by Katherine Waterston). He soon finds a clique of skateboarders at his local neighborhood skate shop, and all he knows is that he needs to learn how to skateboard, and join the community. The A24 rocks crew invites on 90s skateboarder and NIN super-fan Kyle Kanon to discuss the film's realism. Caution: movie spoilers.

Intro- 0:00 to 3:58.

Film Discussion- 3:58 to 1:24:35.

Film Rating and Outro- 1:24:35 to End.

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