Hey, B*tch podcast

Art & Its Convergences in The World. In Conversation With Jordan Chan

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After coming back from a "supposed" two-week hiatus (it poured on over and became three...), Hey, B*tch! is back this week with a two-parter episode. Today, in the first part of Art & Its Convergences in The World, we speak with the highly talented, big-brained, Jordan Chan. A fine artist and writer by nature, Jordan's work coalesces the many multitudes and ways in which one can convey a story.

Tapping into video formats and movement to convey emotion, Jordan has been, and continues to be a great inspiration to Pravin, a nascent, budding artist themselves. In the first part of this conversation, Jordan and Pravin go over what it means to create, what kind of art we indulge in, and what it means to be a liberated artist and creator in a world deeply rooted in making money as opposed to honing and cultivating creation.

Tune in next week at 5 PM, on Saturday, 26th August to listen in on the second part of this episode.

Bye, Bitch!

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