A just state for everyone? Researching access to administrative justice in the digital era podcast

Episode 4: Indigenous people and public services in Canada

15 Sekunden vorwärts
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In this episode I share with you some insights from my case studies in Canada, concretely in the Northwest Territories and Quebec. I focus on some of the challenges that Indigenous people are confronted with in the context of public service provision and access and more generally the complex relation of Indigenous peoples and the different orders of government. 

See more on the project: https://www.fh-campuswien.ac.at/en/forschung/projekte-und-aktivitaeten/digital-public-services-and-ombuds-role-in-access-to-justice.html

See more on my work: https://personen.fh-campuswien.ac.at/julia-dahlvik/

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