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15 Sekunden vorwärts

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Welcome to the first episode of this podcast about my research project which started in February 2023. In this introductory episode I will explain my research interest and approach. The study focuses on the digital transformation of public services and two major interlinked challenges that come along with this development: the risk of social groups being excluded from these services (digital inequality) and, as a result, restricted access to justice, which is in itself a fundamental right that is also a prerequisite to exercising other rights. The research project has a comparative approach and is based on multiple case studies in different locations around the world. In this episode I will briefly explain what has happened so far in the project.

See more on the project: https://www.fh-campuswien.ac.at/en/forschung/projekte-und-aktivitaeten/digital-public-services-and-ombuds-role-in-access-to-justice.html

See more on my work: https://personen.fh-campuswien.ac.at/julia-dahlvik/

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