15 Sekunden vorwärts
15 Sekunden vorwärts

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In this episode I will explain the research design and methodology for this project, which will build primarily on interviews and participatory observation. I will talk about case study selection, my comparative approach, the particularities of doing research in public bodies, and the challenges of gaining access to the research field; that is, first of all access to public ombuds institutions in countries of both the Global South and the Global North, but then also to citizens in the respective places. 

See more on the project: https://www.fh-campuswien.ac.at/en/forschung/projekte-und-aktivitaeten/digital-public-services-and-ombuds-role-in-access-to-justice.html

See more on my work: https://personen.fh-campuswien.ac.at/julia-dahlvik/

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