Revolutionize Fitness | Fitness in the 22nd century podcast

Change Your Life: 5 Everyday Fitness Hacks

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“Greatness is a lot of small things done well. Stacked up on top of each other.” - Ray Lewis

However, by employing these 5 things every day, we can work to maintain our health and wellness in the face of those challenges.

Choose to walk more

The key word here is choose. Sometimes there is nothing more frustrating than going to the store with the intention of getting a single item and realizing the only available spots are furthest from the entrance. Most of us hate that.

What if, instead of being a victim, we used that walk to our advantage. Making a conscious decision to park further so we can walk more does wonders for our mental and physical health. Not to mention the extra calories we burn by making that time, walking releases calming chemicals in the body which improves mental health.

Take Breaks From Sitting

I suggest setting a timer for every 20-30 minutes and commit to getting up and doing some kind of activity for 2-3 minutes. That can be walking, pushups, squats...anything. This will increase your productivity at the task you’re working on AND ALSO help prevent numerous ailments that come with prolonged sitting. Those include: upper cross syndrome, low-back pain, hamstring tightness, etc.

Stairs are our friends

Strengthen your legs: Engage your glutes, hamstrings, quads, calves and core.

Heart Healthy: There’s a reason we all feel winded after climbing a flight of stairs.The activation of all these muscles and the task of moving our entire body weight up these stairs puts a demand on your circulatory system.

Bone Health: Carrying the weight of your body against gravity puts stress on your bones. Bones respond well to healthy stress by strengthening. This is great to delay the onset of osteoporosis or help reduce the effects if it is already present.

Drink MORE water

The last thing you need is ANOTHER reminder that you need to drink water. Your ENTIRE body is water. The more your drink, the better life is. Period.

Set aside a portion of your restaurant meals1 (or food you’ve ordered)

Nobody appreciates food more than me. I’ve made a living committing myself to finishing any meal that I start. Even if I’m full, the taste overwhelms me and I continue. By setting aside a portion BEFORE eating, you give yourself a chance to feel full without being tempted by the food remaining on the plate.

We can’t workout every day, not the way we want at least. BUT we can still make every day count by doing the little things.

Learn more online. Always consult with a licensed health professional before changing your fitness and diet

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