The Lean Muscle Warriors podkast

#86 - 10 steps process to get and stay in shape for life

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Welcome to episode #86 of The Lean Muscle Warrior Podcast.

My name is Francesco Pavone and whether you're a former athlete or a busy millennial professional I will help you build muscle and lose fat with strength training, no cardio, and a flexible diet.

In this podcast, we talk about nutrition for deep health, flexible dieting, strength training, muscle building, mindset, and habit formation.


Episode Resources:


DM Francesco Pavone on Instagram

Youtube Video of this episode


In today's episode, we'll talk about a 10 steps process to get in shape and maintain it. 

we all have different experiences, different fitness levels, preferences...yes, we are very unique individuals. 

That being said these steps can be easily implemented in your life so that you can start to feel better, with more energy, and keep progressing every year. 


Episode content:

how to use this list 

the importance of using a blueprint 

10 steps - process 

Fixed mindset vs Growth mindset 

I sucked at breaststroke

Discover your values 

Do you consider yourself an athlete even if you don't compete?

Don't wait for the perfect time 

Is eating too fast making you fat? 

How much processed food is it good to eat? 

You won't learn this overnight 

Follow a resistance program 

Do you know how to breathe?

Ask for help 

Your environment and food 

Values vs Principles 


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