The Builder Circle by Pratik: The Hardware Startup Success Podcast podkast

S2 E8: Quality Engineering and Strategy for Hardware with Matt Lipsitz

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Quality or sustaining engineering sound like big initiatives that only exist in big companies like GE or P&G but this is a common misconception in the startup world. Having a quality mindset and culture should come into play the first day of product development.I am excited to have Matthew Lipsitz, Head of Quality at Formlabs on to discuss exactly this. Formlabs started as a startup and scaled right in front of our eyes but quality was always front-in-mind. We talk about;

  • defining #quality,
  • applying quality from day 1,
  • how to create a low-touch and non-burdensome quality infrstructure in a startup
  • and much more!

Music by: Tom Stoke (in addition to royalty-free music provided by Descript)

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