The Builder Circle by Pratik: The Hardware Startup Success Podcast podkast

S2 E3: Strategic Planning for Hardware Success with Pete Blake

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

From leveraging your ecosystem to building your product roadmap and from managing your board to determining who to hire and why, this episode has it all. Pete Blake from Sapphire Steel is a fellow All-Star Mentor at Techstars. In this episode we dive deep into:

  • How to strategically incorporate your ecosystem in hardware development and launch
  • The mindset shift between research and productization
  • Finding your unique value in the value chain
  • Effective ways to set up your board and board meetings

And many many more! Some resources that were mentioned in the episode:

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All disclaimers mentioned in previous episodes hold true for this episode. Please visit the first 10 episode notes for details. Thank you!

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