#hottakeoftheday podkast

#hottakeoftheday Podcast: The future of nuclear energy with Mark Nelson (143)

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund
This week, I'm joined by Mark Nelson.  He is a very worthy follower on Twitter at @energybants for all the latest thoughts and threads concerning nuclear energy.  For instance, here was his thread on the rumors about the Russian forces at Chernobyl. There are wild claims about Chernobyl going around. I will post the most accurate and authoritative information here and keep this thread updated. FIRST: Chernobyl, even if attacked, is not a credible threat to health from radiation. Several sources claimed that Chernobyl was under attack. Chernobyl's outer containment dome could be breached if targeted. Remaining hazardous material is deep under this. It's been cooling and decaying since 1986. Dispersal would take intentional, targeted effort. Keep an eye on Cheryl Rofer @CherylRofer She is correct in pointing out that it would be difficult to access this material. It is well-characterized, meaning, we know what it is and how it could spread if disturbed. Ukraine gets half its power from nuclear reactors. It shut down Chernobyl fourteen years after the explosion in 1986, under pressure from the EU and only when promised money to complete another partially-built plant. WHAT IS THE THREAT TO THE OPERATING PLANTS? Unlike at Chernobyl, Ukraine's currently operating reactors have lots of highly radioactive material inside them. They need to remain safe. If these reactors lose their connection to the grid, they will automatically shut down.  A silver lining of Fukushima Daiichi accident is that nuclear plants all over the world have prepared for what to do if cut off from off-site power from the grid. You run generators to keep the core covered with water as it cools down over several days. But the grid isn't down. Ukraine's grid has just completed disconnecting from the Russian grid. Ukrainian grid operators are apparently working through this, and Russia does not appear to have targeted the grid. I will update if this changes. Ukraine's plants are "pressurized water reactors" of Russian design. The Russian name for this is "VVER" which means water-cooled, water-moderated power reactor. Chernobyl's design was totally different. With fixes, Chernobyl-type reactors are still in operation in Russia. We talk about this and so so much more. Enjoy!

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