#hottakeoftheday podkast

#hottakeoftheday Podcast: Episode 137 with Mark Rossano

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund
Mark Rossano is a good friend of mine.  We met on the set of Bloomberg television November 19, 2019 when we were there to talk with Alix Steel about the Saudi Aramco IPO.  Not surprisingly, we spent 2 hours after by the coffee machine talking about the world- oil, natural gas, geopolitics, trade, lithium batteries.  To be honest, I was in shock about the amount of stuff he knows... and this from a guy that likes to think I know about a lot of stuff. I invited him on the podcast in March 12, 2020 to talk about coronavirus.... he was the only one in my circle that really understood what the heck was going on. He's been back on multiple times because I always learn a lot, and today was no different.  It's a long episode- Joe Rogan long, because there was a lot to talk about.  We talk: Oil: 0-24 minutes (supply, demand, where it's going and how we got here) Food scarcity and fertilizer: 24- 32 minutes (how bad could this get and what happens this winter?) Russia-Ukraine war and "what happens" including will there be nukes: 32-69 minutes (Geopolitics, World War II comparisons, how does this end) Inflation: 69 - 91 minutes (what did Powell actually mean by transitory inflation? How does the Fed resolve this, how bad is monetary policy right now and what is the way out?) USD: 91-115 minutes (what are the chances the USD won't be the reserve currency of the world?  What does that look like?) COVID: 115 - 129 minutes (what do we know now that we should have known then?  What would we do different WHEN this happens again? How did social media play into it?) EVs and should there be a lockdown 2.0: 129 minutes - end: What are the infrastructure and mineral challenges?  Do EVs change everything?  Should Government encourage rationing through a lockdown?) I believe in long form discussions to really dig in.  I hope it sparks some thought, some investment ideas, some challenges and some interest in picking up some books.  Enjoy.

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