Future Grind podkast

Ep. 51 - Micah Redding on Christian Transhumanism

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Host Ryan O’Shea speaks with Micah Redding. Micah is the founder and Executive Director of the Christian Transhumanist Association and the host of the Christian Transhumanist Podcast. He grew up as a preacher's kid, spent eight years as a rock musician, and now works as a software developer. He’s also a member of Mensa, a frequent contributor to the Huffington Post and Vice Motherboard, and a public speaker.

They discuss what it means to be a Christian transhumanist, Micah's thoughts on mind uploading, AI, cyborgs, and death, his vision of the future, and much more.

Show Notes: https://futuregrind.org
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