Future Grind podkast

Ep. 46 - Entrepreneurship in the Maker Community with Matt Verlinich

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

In this installment host Ryan O’Shea sits down with Matt Verlinich, the founding General Manager of TechShop Pittsburgh and a founding member of the Protohaven makerspace. He’s also the founder of Clear Ice Rocks, where he invented, prototyped, crowdfunded, and mass-produced a system for creating completely clear ice at home. Matt is now a part of the Innovation Works team, where he guides early stage companies through the design & manufacturing process.

They discuss his insights into the maker movement and where it’s headed, the relationship between the maker community and entrepreneurship, how you can get work to get a product made and marketed, life-logging, and more.

This episode is brought to you by the Smart Manufacturing Experience, taking place June 2nd through 4th, 2020 in Pittsburgh. This event provides solutions for applying the latest smart manufacturing technologies that drive results. Share your smart technologies to an audience eager for the latest innovations and know-how in Industry 4.0. Smart Manufacturing Experience focus areas are artificial intelligence, augmented and virtual reality, cybersecurity, additive manufacturing & 3D printing, automation & robotics, data analytics, industrial IoT and workforce transformation. Be part of the experience to connect face-to-face with qualified decision makers searching for these disruptive technologies. Visit bit.ly/smx20 to become an experience partner.

Show Notes: https://futuregrind.org
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