Dare To Be Legendary with Blake Pinsker podkast

Find Beauty In The Imperfections | For Those Who Sin Founder Alex Michael Miller

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund
On today’s episode we have the founder of For Those Who Sin, Alex Michael Miller. I first learned about For Those Who Sin through social media after some of Alex’s custom pieces caught my attention. After digging a little bit deeper I learned that Alex is the creative mastermind behind the brand and has used his art pedigree to differentiate the brand in a way that is authentically true to who Alex is as a person. It’s a true underdog story, as a kid from Texas and later living in Ohio he took a leap of faith by flying to LA to land a non paid internship. There he couch surfed and soaked up knowledge like a sponge until he was ready to spread his wings as an entrepreneur. Once he realized a 9-5 wasn’t for him he jumped ship and went all in on his art and business. 

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