Dare To Be Legendary with Blake Pinsker podkast

Dare To Live | Rory Kramer

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

You are about to listen to one of my favorite interviews yet. He is a man who dares to be legendary more than anyone I know. A small town kid from Indiana who had the audacity to dream big. A self taught filmmaker and The Godfather of the creator space. He revolutionized the music video space and has made a huge impact on the way artists create tour content. He has helped create the visual aesthetic for some of the industry’s biggest artists including The Chainsmokers and Justin Bieber and has directed two of their most successful videos of all time racking up over 5 billion plays. He is one of the best story tellers I have ever met and boy are you in for a treat. 

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