Columbia House Party podkast

The Thermals: A Source of Hope Amongst the Darkness (ft. Eric Koreen)

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund
In the latest episode of Columbia House Party, hosts Jake Goldsbie and Blake Murphy are joined by Eric Koreen (@ekoreen) to discuss The Thermals' album The Body, the Blood, the Machine. Does a fight break out between Blake's two co-hosts for co-host supremacy? Tune in to hear. Find out more about the concept behind The Body, the Blood, the Machine, why it unfortunately still resonates strongly today, what makes The Thermals a band's band, and more on this week's podcast.

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While you're there say hello to @BlakeMurphyODC and @JGoldsbie.If merch is your thing, be sure to check out the store: reach out to the show and say hey: [email protected]

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See you next week for another episode of CHP.

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