Columbia House Party podkast

Even If It Kills Me's Super Producing Team

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund
In the latest episode of Columbia House Party, hosts Jake Goldsbie and Blake Murphy anoint Motion City Soundtrack as the show's second two-time episode band, joining blink-182. The episode is primarily about Even If It Kills Me, but there is plenty of My Dinosaur Life talk, as well. Find out more about what changed for Motion City Soundtrack coming off the success of Commit This To Memory, where Mark Hoppus factors in again, which host has a tattoo referencing this album, and more on this week's podcast.

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While you're there say hello to @BlakeMurphyODC and @JGoldsbie.If merch is your thing, be sure to check out the store: reach out to the show and say hey: [email protected]

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See you next week for another episode of CHP.

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