5 Minute Medicine podkast

Celiac Disease (Celiac/Nontropical Sprue)

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund
Welcome to the 16th episode of 5 Minute Medicine! In this episode, we will be exploring Celiac disease, commonly known as celiac/nontropical sprue. We will discuss a clinical case, important epidemiology, etiology, clinical features (gastrointestinal, neuropsychiatric, children specific, and effect on fertility) treatment and diagnosis. Don’t forget to complete our exclusive exam-like quiz on the Podcases app and Peerr and to solidify and apply your understanding of this pathology. Follow us on Spotify to be notified of our releases. We would really appreciate if you rate us 5 stars and give us a review on Apple Podcasts if you have the time too, as this really helps our discoverability follow our Ig @5.min.medicine for quizzes and notes on the topics!

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