PrivacyPod podcast

#67: If you are not paying for the lunch, you are the lunch

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Are you googling me? Stop googling me, Jyri!


In this episode Jyri, Pilvi, and Milla take a look at the latest interesting privacy news. The repertoire includes discussion on what happens when regulation is 20 years late (=personalized ads and privacy issues) in the form of LinkedIn’s 310 million euro fine and NOYB’s Pinterest complaint. 


We also fall in love (and you will too) with Germany’s Traunstein Court and their Schrems II case (transfers to the US), where the court gave out a decision that seems to include some common sense (no joke). Do listen in for some statements that will first make you feel warm and fuzzy, smiling from ear to ear, and then break you in the “Don’t do that, Don’t give me hope.” -meme kind of way. But hey–when was the last time you felt warm and fuzzy about a Schrems II decision? We thought so too. We all need this, we’ve been through a lot. 


We also rant about the latest “know your sub-processors to the infinity and beyond” EDPB guideline draft and most importantly, Jyri tells you in detail how you can actually get some suggestions implemented in the public consultation rounds (no joke). 


So grab your Halloween-candy-flavored-popcorn and enjoy some privacy goodie-goodie! You deserve it and darling, we got you.

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