Model United Nations Podcast by Best Delegate podcast

MUN is FUN: Teaching Model UN in India, the Peace Corps, and a Pandemic (Geo, Part 2)

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In this episode, Georgina (Geo) shares her experiences teaching Model UN after she graduates from Georgetown University. She teaches Model UN in India with a company called Worldview Education and their "MUN for India" initiative. Afterwards, Geo joins the Peace Corps, where she's stationed in Thailand and starts teaching Model UN to local students there -- until the 2020 covid pandemic begins, and she promptly returns stateside. But Geo joins the team at Best Delegate, and her energy and enthusiasm for Model UN quickly makes her one of our most beloved MUN Mentors. Today, Geo is studying to be a teacher at New York University.


The Model United Nations Podcast is brought to you by Best Delegate -- we make it easy to learn Model UN! Start your MUN journey today at

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