Model United Nations Podcast by Best Delegate podcast

A Shout Out to Southern California's MUN Advisors: How This 20-Year Teacher Got Started in Model United Nations (John Remmell, Part 1)

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John Remmell (@munsm) is a social studies teacher and the MUN Director at Santa Margarita Catholic High School in Orange County, California. They host SOCOMUN every September, which is the first MUN conference of the year for many students in Southern California -- including Ryan! It was the first MUN conference he attended over 20 years ago as a high school freshman growing up in SoCal.

In this episode, Ryan and John talk about Southern California MUN: its intensity, competitiveness, and impact. They give a "shout out" to many of the MUN Advisors over the years who have shaped MUN in this part of the country: Lynn Aase, Laurie Elowe, Linda Levine, Bob Timberlake, and others (sorry we didn't have enough airtime to recognize everyone!). And John shares how he got started as a MUN advisor, and his own MUN journey, from not knowing anything about Model United Nations, to the present day, where he leads one of the biggest MUN programs in the world.

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