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Today’s story is from the Ashanti Empire (set in present-day Ghana). It is the story of Osei Tutu, who was from the small state of Kumasi, but ended up uniting all the separate Ashanti states to create a powerful empire.  Osei Tutu was motivated by his desire to fight back against the oppression of the Denkyiras, their southern neighbours. This makes Osei Tutu the very first "Ashantehene" or King of all the Ashantis. He was the Founder and first King of the United Ashanti empire. He is also the Uncle of Abla Pokou, Queen of the Baoulé people, a splinter group of the Ashanti’s, that can be found in modern-day Cote d’Ivoire. An earlier episode retells her story and why she fled Kumasi to start her own queendom.

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