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Facing Our Limitations: Using Lucidity to Escape and to avoid Personal Growth

Based on the book Journey to Ixtlan: The Lessons of Don Juan by Carlos Castaneda

Lucid Dreaming - Gateway to the inner Self by Robert Waggoner.

Some observers raise a concern about dreamers using lucid awareness to escape or avoid a dream’s message and, thus, the opportunity for personal growth the dream might otherwise provide. In some cases, this is true, since in a lucid dream we have the ability to choose, and some dreamers do, indeed, choose to escape into an adventure. For example, a lucid dreamer may decide to ignore an angry dream figure and fly away instead, thereby avoiding the issue represented by the figure.

More experienced lucid dreamers, however, would stop and engage the dream figure to find out more about the situation.

By taking a direct approach in a dream, you will be able to transform fear into something benign, even lovable and quite possibly resolve an emotional issue at the subconscious level.

Like all dreamers, if we purposely ignore a dream message, it likely returns in another dream or some other form. All dreamers come to know that in the final analysis, lucid or not, there is no escape from the Self.

Welcome to the Dream realm.

Sweet dreams.

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