Dr. Janine Show Gut Health, High Sugar Fruits, Botox, Safe Sun Exposure, Kidney Detox Foods
Dr. Janine Show Gut Health, High Sugar Fruits, Botox, Safe Sun Exposure, Kidney Detox Foods
In this episode of the Dr. Janine Show, Dr. Janine looks at the side effects of using Botox. She reviews how to improve your gut health and digestion. Dr. Janine shares tips for safe sun exposure. She talks about the best foods for kidney detox. Dr. Janine looks at 3 low sugar fruits and 3 high sugar fruits. Lastly, Dr. Janine demonstrates a great face taping technique for your neck.
Links to studies mentioned in this show.
Serious and Long-Term Adverse Events Associated with the Therapeutic and Cosmetic Use of Botulinum Toxin - https://karger.com/pha/article/95/1-2/65/272312/Serious-and-Long-Term-Adverse-Events-Associated
Coffee Consumption May Mitigate the Risk for Acute Kidney Injury: Results From the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study - https://www.kireports.org/article/S2468-0249(22)01369-9/fulltext
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