Turn On The Light podcast

Episode Thirteen - The Echo Parakeet. Featuring Bianca Young

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Today we dive back into island life in Mauritius with a tale of survival from the Echo Parakeet. We again hear of the triumphs of the remarkable Professor Carl Jones in the implementation of a bird recovery programme for these bright and bold parrots. Our special guest for today is Bianca, aka Binky, Young. Based in Jamaica, Binky takes us through her crucial work with the Sandals Foundation across 7 countries in the Caribbean, ensuring the future of the islands and the wonderful marine worlds that surround them. You can follow this work on Instagram and Twitter @sandalsfdn, on Facebook at Sandals Foundation and check out their website at sandalsfoundation.org. The good news stories of today's episodes can be explored more here - https://www.durrell.org/wildlife/news/first-baby-aye-aye-hand-reared-jersey-zoo/ Here - https://www.lemurreserve.org/exciting-lemur-infant-news/ And here - https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2020/jul/10/wild-bison-to-return-to-uk-kent

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