Turn On The Light podcast

Episode Sixteen - The Black Footed Ferret Part 2. Featuring Soraya Abdel-Hadi

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Welcome to part 2 of the first two-parter of the podcast! This episode concludes my favourite conservation success story of the Black Footed Ferret and concludes Series 1 of Turn On The Light! My special guest Soraya Abdel-Hadi speaks to us further about her experiences, diversity in the outdoors, ways to help conserve our planet, and generally shares words of wisdom. You can follow her adventures on Instagram and Twitter @sorayaearth and our first person to follow on Pinterest under that same username - sorayaearth. There is also of course Soraya's own lovely website where you can delve into her world through blogs, photography and her sustainable art - https://www.soraya.earth/. As always, you can find the podcast on Instagram @turnonthelight_pod, on Twitter @savingspecies and you can contact me for any reason at all at [email protected]. Please don't forget to rate, review and subscribe, it's the best way to spread the word 😊😊

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