Pet-Food-Vet podcast

Salmonella in Pet Food -the Current Recall and What to Look for to Keep your Pet Safe

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In this episode, I tell people about the recent salmonell pet food recall by Midwestern Feed Mill. We talk about how Salmonella can cause illness and death  in people and their pets.   Salmonella can get cross contaminated onto many surfaces and mainly causes gastrointestinal signs.  Please be aware that children, particularly toddlers are at greateer risk because they get into pet food dishes. 

There are  many ways pet owners can reach out to talk to me via email, messenger, or video consultations: 

 My website Pet Food Testing Lab: 

Via my FaceBook PET FOOD VET page:

 and on my PATREON

Please reach out for a one on one consultation with me, Dr. Donna--I would love to help you ensure the safety of your pet. 

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