Pet-Food-Vet podcast


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PET FOOD VET interviews Shawn Buckley and Dr. Oscar Chavez about their newly published best seller, BIG KIBBLE. They give a tell -all behind-the-scenes interview about what ingredients go into animal feed grade pet food.  They explain the differences between animal feed grade ingredients and human  grade ingredients.  The most important takeaway is that animal feed grade ingredients contain dangerous germs and contaminants that are prohibited in human grade ingredients.  All kibble is manufactured with animal feed grade ingredients. 

For more information about the dangers in kibble and other animal feed grade ingredients in pet foods like raw pet food, please go to . 

The PET FOOD VET-Dr. Donna DeBonis is on PET FOOD VET FaceBook LIVE every Thursday at 1 pm PST.  See her there for more incredible videos about pet food safety. 

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