Growing Good Business podcast

Episode 2 – Growing sustainably every day

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Sustainability is at the heart of Musgrave’s purpose of ‘Growing Good Business.’ In this episode we learn more about how the business is driving positive change, through its business operations and in partnership with retailers, suppliers and customers. Key figures discuss Musgrave’s strategy of ‘Growing sustainably every day’, and its commitment to achieve Net Zero Carbon by 2040. 


•          Owen Keogh, Head of Sustainability, Musgrave

•          Michelle Fennell, Head of Insights and Strategy, Musgrave

•          Luke Hanlon, Chief Supply Chain Officer, Musgrave 

•          Noel Keeley, CEO, Musgrave 

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‘Growing Good Business’ is the name of the podcast series, and ties back to Musgrave’s purpose of Growing Good Business, which is about creating a sustainable, profitable business that benefits all stakeholders.

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