Breathless Adventure: Siblings' Frozen Quest at Plitvice Lakes
Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Breathless Adventure: Siblings' Frozen Quest at Plitvice Lakes
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Story Transcript:
Hr: Bilo je hladno jutro prvog dana Nove godine.
En: It was a cold morning on the first day of the New Year.
Hr: Snijeg je lagano prekrivao čarobni krajolik Nacionalnog parka Plitvička jezera.
En: Snow gently covered the magical landscape of Nacionalni park Plitvička jezera (Plitvice Lakes National Park).
Hr: Stabla su bila prekrivena bijelim prahom, a voda ispod leda mirno je tekla.
En: The trees were covered with white powder, and the water beneath the ice flowed calmly.
Hr: Ivana je hodala ispred svoje obitelji.
En: Ivana walked ahead of her family.
Hr: Pogledom je tražila najbolje staze za istraživanje.
En: She was searching with her eyes for the best trails to explore.
Hr: Željela je nezaboravan izlet za Darka i Mirelu.
En: She wanted an unforgettable trip for Darko and Mirela.
Hr: Njene mlade oči pune pitanja i osmijeha, Mirela je hodala uz Ivanu.
En: With her young eyes full of questions and smiles, Mirela walked alongside Ivana.
Hr: Darko je bio korak ispred, zaljubljen u avanturu koju mu je najavljivalo budno iskričavo sunce.
En: Darko was a step ahead, enchanted by the adventure promised by the vigilant sparkling sun.
Hr: "Ivana, možemo ovim putem?
En: "Ivana, can we go this way?"
Hr: ", viknuo je Darko, pokazujući na stazu koja je nestajala u gustu šumu.
En: shouted Darko, pointing to a trail that disappeared into the dense forest.
Hr: "Ne, Darko.
En: "No, Darko.
Hr: Sigurnije je ostati na označenoj stazi," odgovorila je Ivana.
En: It's safer to stay on the marked trail," replied Ivana.
Hr: Ali Darko nije slušao.
En: But Darko wasn't listening.
Hr: Njegova znatiželja bila je jača.
En: His curiosity was stronger.
Hr: Mirela je odlučila pratiti brata.
En: Mirela decided to follow her brother.
Hr: Ivana je zbog toga bila zabrinuta, ali duboko je udahnula i nastavila pratiti plan.
En: Ivana was worried about this, but she took a deep breath and continued to follow the plan.
Hr: Nakon nekoliko minuta, Ivana se okrenula i shvatila da su Darko i Mirela nestali.
En: After a few minutes, Ivana turned around and realized that Darko and Mirela were gone.
Hr: Srce joj se stegnulo.
En: Her heart tightened.
Hr: Ostavila je stazu i krenula za njima.
En: She left the trail and went after them.
Hr: Hladan zrak rezuckao je njene obraze dok je tražila svoje sestre i brata.
En: The cold air stung her cheeks as she searched for her sister and brother.
Hr: Strah joj je šaptao u uho, ali nije odustala.
En: Fear whispered in her ear, but she didn't give up.
Hr: Napokon, čula je Darkov glas.
En: Finally, she heard Darko's voice.
Hr: Približavala se obali zaleđenog jezera.
En: She was approaching the shore of a frozen lake.
Hr: Darko i Mirela stajali su blizu pukotine u ledu.
En: Darko and Mirela stood close to a crack in the ice.
Hr: Noge su im opasno klizile.
En: Their feet dangerously slipped.
Hr: "Ivane, gle!
En: "Ivana, look!
Hr: Led!
En: Ice!"
Hr: " Darko je uzbuđeno vikao, ali nije bio svjestan opasnosti.
En: Darko shouted excitedly, unaware of the danger.
Hr: "Darko, Mirela, pazite!
En: "Darko, Mirela, be careful!
Hr: Led je tanak!
En: The ice is thin!"
Hr: " viknula je Ivana panično.
En: Ivana shouted panicked.
Hr: Požurila je prema njima, srce joj je bilo u grlu.
En: She hurried towards them, her heart in her throat.
Hr: Sada nije bilo vremena za oklijevanje.
En: This was no time for hesitation.
Hr: Koncentrirano, napravila je prvi korak na led, koračajući pažljivo prema njima.
En: Carefully, she took her first step onto the ice, walking cautiously toward them.
Hr: Koristi ruke da ostane stabilna.
En: She used her hands to stay stable.
Hr: Povukla je Darka prema sigurnijoj strani.
En: She pulled Darko towards the safer side.
Hr: Zajedno su došli do Mirele i brzo se vratili na tvrdu zemlju.
En: Together, they reached Mirela and quickly returned to solid ground.
Hr: Bili su sigurni.
En: They were safe.
Hr: Ivana ih je čvrsto zagrlila.
En: Ivana hugged them tightly.
Hr: Obje strane su se osjećale bolje, jače zajedno.
En: Both sides felt better, stronger together.
Hr: Nakon što su se smirili, Ivana ih je pogledala u oči.
En: After they calmed down, Ivana looked them in the eyes.
Hr: "Oprostite što sam vas previše čuvala", rekla je s blagim osmjehom.
En: "Sorry for being too protective," she said with a gentle smile.
Hr: "Ali moramo razgovarati i biti tim.
En: "But we need to talk and be a team."
Hr: "Darko je kimnuo, shvaćajući sada zašto je bilo važno ostati blizu.
En: Darko nodded, now understanding why it was important to stay close.
Hr: Mirela je veselo uskliknula: "Mi smo najbolji tim!
En: Mirela cheerfully exclaimed, "We are the best team!"
Hr: "Još jednom, trojac je krenuo prema glavnoj stazi.
En: Once more, the trio headed towards the main trail.
Hr: Plitvice su ponovno bile mirne i lijepe.
En: The Plitvice were calm and beautiful again.
Hr: Ivana je, držeći bratske ruke, znala da će ubuduće biti oprezniji, ali i bliži.
En: Holding her siblings' hands, Ivana knew they would be more cautious in the future, but also closer.
Vocabulary Words:
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Hr: Bilo je hladno jutro prvog dana Nove godine.
En: It was a cold morning on the first day of the New Year.
Hr: Snijeg je lagano prekrivao čarobni krajolik Nacionalnog parka Plitvička jezera.
En: Snow gently covered the magical landscape of Nacionalni park Plitvička jezera (Plitvice Lakes National Park).
Hr: Stabla su bila prekrivena bijelim prahom, a voda ispod leda mirno je tekla.
En: The trees were covered with white powder, and the water beneath the ice flowed calmly.
Hr: Ivana je hodala ispred svoje obitelji.
En: Ivana walked ahead of her family.
Hr: Pogledom je tražila najbolje staze za istraživanje.
En: She was searching with her eyes for the best trails to explore.
Hr: Željela je nezaboravan izlet za Darka i Mirelu.
En: She wanted an unforgettable trip for Darko and Mirela.
Hr: Njene mlade oči pune pitanja i osmijeha, Mirela je hodala uz Ivanu.
En: With her young eyes full of questions and smiles, Mirela walked alongside Ivana.
Hr: Darko je bio korak ispred, zaljubljen u avanturu koju mu je najavljivalo budno iskričavo sunce.
En: Darko was a step ahead, enchanted by the adventure promised by the vigilant sparkling sun.
Hr: "Ivana, možemo ovim putem?
En: "Ivana, can we go this way?"
Hr: ", viknuo je Darko, pokazujući na stazu koja je nestajala u gustu šumu.
En: shouted Darko, pointing to a trail that disappeared into the dense forest.
Hr: "Ne, Darko.
En: "No, Darko.
Hr: Sigurnije je ostati na označenoj stazi," odgovorila je Ivana.
En: It's safer to stay on the marked trail," replied Ivana.
Hr: Ali Darko nije slušao.
En: But Darko wasn't listening.
Hr: Njegova znatiželja bila je jača.
En: His curiosity was stronger.
Hr: Mirela je odlučila pratiti brata.
En: Mirela decided to follow her brother.
Hr: Ivana je zbog toga bila zabrinuta, ali duboko je udahnula i nastavila pratiti plan.
En: Ivana was worried about this, but she took a deep breath and continued to follow the plan.
Hr: Nakon nekoliko minuta, Ivana se okrenula i shvatila da su Darko i Mirela nestali.
En: After a few minutes, Ivana turned around and realized that Darko and Mirela were gone.
Hr: Srce joj se stegnulo.
En: Her heart tightened.
Hr: Ostavila je stazu i krenula za njima.
En: She left the trail and went after them.
Hr: Hladan zrak rezuckao je njene obraze dok je tražila svoje sestre i brata.
En: The cold air stung her cheeks as she searched for her sister and brother.
Hr: Strah joj je šaptao u uho, ali nije odustala.
En: Fear whispered in her ear, but she didn't give up.
Hr: Napokon, čula je Darkov glas.
En: Finally, she heard Darko's voice.
Hr: Približavala se obali zaleđenog jezera.
En: She was approaching the shore of a frozen lake.
Hr: Darko i Mirela stajali su blizu pukotine u ledu.
En: Darko and Mirela stood close to a crack in the ice.
Hr: Noge su im opasno klizile.
En: Their feet dangerously slipped.
Hr: "Ivane, gle!
En: "Ivana, look!
Hr: Led!
En: Ice!"
Hr: " Darko je uzbuđeno vikao, ali nije bio svjestan opasnosti.
En: Darko shouted excitedly, unaware of the danger.
Hr: "Darko, Mirela, pazite!
En: "Darko, Mirela, be careful!
Hr: Led je tanak!
En: The ice is thin!"
Hr: " viknula je Ivana panično.
En: Ivana shouted panicked.
Hr: Požurila je prema njima, srce joj je bilo u grlu.
En: She hurried towards them, her heart in her throat.
Hr: Sada nije bilo vremena za oklijevanje.
En: This was no time for hesitation.
Hr: Koncentrirano, napravila je prvi korak na led, koračajući pažljivo prema njima.
En: Carefully, she took her first step onto the ice, walking cautiously toward them.
Hr: Koristi ruke da ostane stabilna.
En: She used her hands to stay stable.
Hr: Povukla je Darka prema sigurnijoj strani.
En: She pulled Darko towards the safer side.
Hr: Zajedno su došli do Mirele i brzo se vratili na tvrdu zemlju.
En: Together, they reached Mirela and quickly returned to solid ground.
Hr: Bili su sigurni.
En: They were safe.
Hr: Ivana ih je čvrsto zagrlila.
En: Ivana hugged them tightly.
Hr: Obje strane su se osjećale bolje, jače zajedno.
En: Both sides felt better, stronger together.
Hr: Nakon što su se smirili, Ivana ih je pogledala u oči.
En: After they calmed down, Ivana looked them in the eyes.
Hr: "Oprostite što sam vas previše čuvala", rekla je s blagim osmjehom.
En: "Sorry for being too protective," she said with a gentle smile.
Hr: "Ali moramo razgovarati i biti tim.
En: "But we need to talk and be a team."
Hr: "Darko je kimnuo, shvaćajući sada zašto je bilo važno ostati blizu.
En: Darko nodded, now understanding why it was important to stay close.
Hr: Mirela je veselo uskliknula: "Mi smo najbolji tim!
En: Mirela cheerfully exclaimed, "We are the best team!"
Hr: "Još jednom, trojac je krenuo prema glavnoj stazi.
En: Once more, the trio headed towards the main trail.
Hr: Plitvice su ponovno bile mirne i lijepe.
En: The Plitvice were calm and beautiful again.
Hr: Ivana je, držeći bratske ruke, znala da će ubuduće biti oprezniji, ali i bliži.
En: Holding her siblings' hands, Ivana knew they would be more cautious in the future, but also closer.
Vocabulary Words:
- gently: lagano
- magical: čarobni
- landscape: krajolik
- trails: staze
- explore: istraživanje
- unforgettable: nezaboravan
- enchanted: zaljubljen
- adventure: avantura
- vigilant: budno
- sparkling: iskričavo
- curiosity: znatiželja
- hesitation: oklijevanje
- approached: približavala
- shore: obala
- dangerously: opasno
- excitedly: uzbuđeno
- unaware: nije bio svjestan
- panicked: panično
- hesitation: oklijevanje
- cautiously: pažljivo
- stable: stabilna
- hugged: zagrlila
- protective: čuvala
- team: tim
- calmed down: smirili
- main: glavna
- frozen: zaleđenog
- crack: pukotine
- obedient: oprezniji
- cheerfully: veselo
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