Boots on the ground podcast podcast

Galvanizing Women Representation in Conservation Leadership and Management

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Gender Bias, discrimination, harassment, inequity in pay, cultural constraints are just but some of the overarching and adverse impacts of gender-related challenges that women go through in the conservation realm. Less than 1% of landowners in the Maasai Mara Conservancies are women. Aside from harmful gender norms such as early childhood marriages, female genital mutilation, and teenage pregnancies, these are over-normalized in the community. As Angela points out, this makes it hard for real, meaningful change across the landscape. Meet our next guest Angela Sanau Paswa Senior Programmes Officer, Gender @mconservancies Her passion is driven by strengthening women's empowerment by working with communities to enhance internal governance structures and promoting inclusive spaces for women in conservation. Enjoy and learn💚🎙️

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