The Strategic L&D Podcast podcast

Why ‘living in the mess’ of L&D is actually a structured and effective approach

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In this episode, Blake chats with Holly Cook, Founder and Director of North. North aims to develop courageous leaders, shape united teams, and secure impressive performance.

Blake and Holly talk about what we need to do to fulfil our organisation purpose, the key to striking a balance between self-directed and guided learning, and how to prioritise, plan and persuade in an L&D budget session.   

You can connect with Holly via LinkedIn:


The Strategic L&D Podcast ventures through what L&D key opinion leaders are doing today to ensure they are delivering a strategically impactful L&D function.  It covers everything from aligning learning strategy to business strategy, what learning strategies best remedy identified organisation under-performance, how to execute on leading practices in L&D strategy and how to ensure L&D is seen as a strategic partner to the business.  

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