The Sales Evangelist podcast

Cold Calling & Emailing Prospecting Habits You Must Adopt In 2025 | James Buckley - 1842

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Sometimes, getting a prospect to say “yes” requires the right personality. But what if your personality doesn’t quite match theirs? How can you prevent them from hanging up the phone?

My guest, James Buckley—the self-proclaimed phone expert and co-host of the Sell Better Podcast—is here to share the communication style you need to instantly increase your cold-call success rate. Click play and learn how to align your sales style with your prospect’s personality.

Meet James Buckley

  • After meeting James Buckley, it’s clear why he’s known as “the phone guy.” His communication style evokes emotions far more swiftly and effectively than email ever could. 
  • James personalizes his sales approach by being authentic, intuitively connecting with prospective customers in a way that builds rapport and trust. 
  • Thanks to his unique methods, James has become a valuable resource for both new and seasoned sales professionals. 
  • Be sure to check out Sell Better, where he shares daily and weekly sales tips.

Have the Right Personality

  • The wrong approach could be keeping you from closing deals. James explains how to tailor your communication based on personality cues you can often pick up from LinkedIn profiles. 
  • For example, if someone appears friendly in their profile, adopt a jovial tone; but if a prospect’s profile has a more serious vibe, use a tone that matches.

Think Smaller with Emails

  • James says, don’t write a novel when emailing prospects! Decision-makers often read emails on mobile devices, so the shorter, the better. His advice? 
  • Make your emails concise and to the point by removing unnecessary words. 
  • Here are three ways ChatGPT prompts to improve your emails:
    • Rewrite the email to...

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