Confessions of a Gym Rat podcast

Surviving a Stroke with Champion Bodybuilder Victoria Aguilar

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This week, Liz is joined by bodybuilder and stroke survivor, Victoria Aguilar. Victoria shares her story - from gaining unhealthy weight, to losing the weight, to surviving an unexpected stroke, to where she is now. While technically she's a "handicapped bodybuilder", Victoria refuses to be the old and unhealthy version of herself, and took several first place medals in her first season of the sport.

Liz also recaps some pop culture events of the week including DWTS and RHOBH. She also shares in this episode an injury she's been working through and the progress she's made!

Follow the podcast on ig: @confessionsofagymrat

Follow Liz on ig/tiktok/yt: @liftswithliz

Follow Victoria: @vixters19 (ig) @whatsmysecret (tiktok)

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