ALEPH - GLOBAL SCRUM TEAM - Agile Coaching. Agile Training and Digital Marketing Certifications podcast

YouTube Marketing: Tips, Strategies, Best Practices for 2021

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If you’re looking to get into video marketing, there’s no better channel than YouTube. The good news is you don’t need to flood thousands of dollars in YouTube advertising.

Hi I’m Cally, from the International Institute of Digital Marketing. Here’s how to create a good channel that constantly puts out quality content that people want.

Create a Great Channel Layout & Organize Your Youtube Content

The first step to YouTube marketing is to have a great channel layout. When people come to your channel, they need to know what you’re about and what types of videos you have.

Create Regular YouTube Video Content

Consistently updating your channel with content will keep your channel feed active, increase your presence on YouTube, and help you build an audience.

You should aim for a minimum of one video per week, but the right amount of content depends on your audience, your goals, and your content.

Design The Right YouTube Thumbnails

Don’t skip this part. Choosing your YouTube thumbnail is just as, if not more, important than crafting a great title.

Cross-Promote with Other Channels

To increase your reach on YouTube, make it a priority to identify and reach out to other similar channels to cross-promote or collaborate in a mutually beneficial manner.

This doesn’t mean that you need a huge following on YouTube already. You can use your email list, social following, or even embed videos on your website to drive traffic.

For more information, visit

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